Thursday, August 23, 2018

Helton Creek 2013 +

    This was a trip taken in 2013, one of the first videos, and shows a nice fish take on a Griffins Gnat. One of the smaller flies I have used.

Friday, August 10, 2018

Summit Symposium Services Available

Lots of venders of services for those cared for and their caregivers. Lots of pens given away.

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Summit Symposium for Caregivers

This begins at 8:00 and goes to 3:30 with a lunch break at the Friday Center in Chapel Hill on the 7th of August.

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

12 July. "Balancing Safety and Autonomy

All discussed the problem on keeping one safe and minimizing the potential dangers associated with various activities. Talked a lot about driving and how this is a contentious issue when its just not safe for the subject to be driving. We also addressed the presence of firearms in the home. Some very sad stories involved firearms and the guns might have to be confiscated by a court order. Living out in the country one could feel safe if they had "their gun" nearby....problem is big when they're hallucinating.
    This was the last of four sessions, the next thing would be attending "Caregivers Summit". August 7th, at the Friday Center. From 8:00 to 3:30 pm.$15/Caregiver...Register (919) 719-6765
Call to register!!!

5 July "Disclosures and changing relationships"

Lisa Gwyther, Director, Duke Family Support Program. Talked about sharing the information about the diagnosis with those close to to you as the affected one, the importance of acknowledging the condition and accepting it. We discussed the emotions involved and the change of rolls. Talked about making adjustments as we go along. More about the caregiver than anything else, not easy shift in responsibilities. Talked about the importance of strengthening family ties, if possible.

Friday, June 29, 2018

28th June 2018 An Elder Lawyer. described some of the legal implications.

Lawrence Rocamora presented the various possibilities for getting assistance with long term care and protecting assets. Received a list of things to be addressed or planned for. It was for me a mind-boggling experience. There's got to be a better way.

21 June A Neurologist's View

Dr. James Burke gave an overview of the situation, covering its history from early 1900 to the present. The Dr. described the drugs found useful and their limitations. It was not with a very hopeful out-look.

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Chapter 2....Memory Makers

We're scheduled to attend a Memory Makers meeting in June we'll be reminded by email a week before. I'm really  excited about getting involved in this program.

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Chapter 1: Memory Makers, the start of a journey.

Tomorrow we are going to meet with some folks who are part of a program at Duke. They have a program for folks who are in different stages of memory impairment. The hope is that Jane and I can get involved with this program and utilize its resources and expertise. Bobbi and Natalie are going to spend some time with us in an informal way ( 11:00 AM for close to one hour. I hope all goes well and we are able to participate.

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Up-date on "What's happening?"

This is supposed to be a blog about sculpting and fishing. I'm sorry to say that not much is happening in these two areas. I long for the chance to fit in a trout fishing day or two.....