My interest in sculpting began with a boy scout knife, a piece of cherry wood and some inspiration provided by seeing carvings in a shop in the old section of Quebec City, Canada. My first carving was of a horse, of course the legs were fragile and were easily broken during the carving process. Years later I had the opportunity to attend a few meetings of a carving club in Saddle Brook N.J. There I was introduced to wood carving, the membership was varied in their interests. Some were into relief carving, others were carving "in the round". Here I got exposed to many different techniques. My first carvings with this group were of Gnomes and Santa-like figures. I found a place on the Ramapo River where beavers were actively felling Aspen trees and doing what beavers do. I was fascinated by their tooth marks on the wood. I brought home a few of the stumps they left and carved an old man's face in the sides of these stumps. As time passed I began to carve shore birds and fish. The source of Aspen wood stumps was lost when we moved to NC. Here I found cedar fence posts to carve my "Wood Spirits". Along with the Wood Spirits I've been sculpting female figures in cedar and refining some of these pieces to be "Ladies in Red". Much of the work is done in my garage which serves as my studio. My interests have extended to works in clay, plaster and bronze. Many outdoor pieces are on display in our yard here at 867 Millcroft. You may even be interested in going to YouTube and then to "zen867" and watching the video labeled "A Walk Around the Yard". If you wish to call 919.542.3429, we may be able to arrange for a short studio tour.